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11853 2012-10-30T11:53:38 0 [佳作]
设计师: 陈轩明



1.    UL南沙实验办公室位于广州市南沙区,作为UL公司在国内的测试实验室之一。整个办公区为上下2层楼面,主要分为2个区域,一部分为实验区,一部分为办公区。实验区主要突出实验室的实用性及科学性,而办公室旨在体现出设计感及舒适感。

2.    一层的前半部分为办公区域,设置了接待区,大会议室,洽谈室及茶水间。整个办公区是从整体色调来考虑设计的。主要色调以白色为主,点缀了ULlogo红色。所有的墙体转角处都是弧线形,采用了手扫漆墙面加上顶部及底部暗藏发光。使得整个办公区域通透且明亮。走道的墙体用了大面积的清玻璃,将房间内部的设计展示出来,同时融入到外部的设计中。

3.    小洽谈室的墙面采用高低不平的乳胶漆色块,利用白色和红色的搭配,组合成一幅有设计感的图案,配上圆形的发光造型吊顶,让整个空间感觉层次丰富。大会议室的风格与洽谈室相同,但墙面采用的是防火板饰面,同样利用红色与白色组合搭配,形成一幅错落有致的图案。顶上的圆形造型与小洽谈室相同,使得房间的整体风格独立却又相互呼应。

4.    二层的办公区与实验区是融合在一起的。走上二楼,最大的培训室映入眼帘。整个培训室开阔且明亮。正面墙体为一整面白色喷漆玻璃,房间靠近门口的墙体设计了一面茶水柜,茶水柜的颜色以白色调为主,中间点缀了红色及浅灰色。茶水柜的上方异曲同工的设计了白色与红色搭配的条状图案,既与整体相呼应,又凸显出各个房间的独特之处。房间其余的墙面为白色壁纸。在家具的选择上,同样挑选了白色的培训桌,培训椅为浅灰色与黑色搭配,不同于以往的黑色椅子显得过于沉闷。

5.   二层茶水间为整个办公室的主要茶水间,面积也较为开阔。考虑到实用性,其中一面墙体全部设计成茶水柜,茶水柜的色彩风格与培训室相同,不同的是,吊柜与地柜中间的墙面采用了整面红色的喷漆玻璃,彰显出茶水间的活泼气氛。在家具的选择上,同样挑选了白色小圆桌,但椅子则改用活泼的亮黄色,与茶水间的整体氛围相呼应。且对应每个小圆桌都配有一个设计感独特的吊灯。


1.   UL作为美国最具权威的产品认证机构,对设计的要求也跟企业理念一样严谨而客观。因此,在其办公室的设计上不仅要兼顾作为实验室的功能性要求,也要同时考虑设计效果。

2.   在办公室的平面设计上,考虑实验室的隐蔽性及独立性,特意将首层的试验区域与会客区域单独分开。

3.   在色彩的考虑上,尽量采用简洁的白色调,但是又穿插运用了UL公司的标识红色,既起到烘托的作用,也使得整体的色调效果鲜明而突出。



Brief Description:

1. UL laboratory is located at Nansha in Guangdongprovince. The laboratory has 2 levels. The lower floor is reception, meeting room, laboratory with office. The upper floor is training room, laboratory and pantry. The laboratory follow UL standard and the office will realize a contemporary and chic style.

2. The lower floor is mainly composed of reception, big conference room, meeting room and pantry. The whole public area is in white color which highlights the red color logo. All the walls are in curve form to direct people from the reception to the meeting area. Lighting is concealed in the curve wall to act a directional signage. The extensive use of glass in meeting room/office alleviates the separation of the internal office and the reception. This gives a cohesive sense to blends all space together.

3. Both the small and big conference room adopts a similar design. The wall is decorated with different plate of red and white panel in various layers. This gives a depth of space in the conference room. The circular lighting at the ceiling forms an interesting pattern which draws  the eye balls of the visitors.

4. Office and laboratory is fused together at the upper floor. There is a training room near the staircase. White and red strip pattern is realized in the spray paint glass wall in the training room. The training room chairs are in grey and black color so that they can mix together to form an interesting pattern.

5.2Fpantry is equipped with a full wall cabinet with red color spray paint glass. Yellow color chairs are used here to contrast with the white background. Pendent lighting with peculiar form is hanged on every white table.


1. UL is the most well-known authorized quality certified company in the State. Therefore, the design should reflect the company culture. Every detail and consideration should be under detail checking and evaluation. It should not only have a visual attraction in the design, but the laboratory complicated requirement should also be fulfilled.

2. The design keeps the confidentiality of the laboratory in layout by putting the laboratory at the back of the 1/F, so the customer area will not interfere the normal functioning of laboratory.

3. The design employs white color as a major background color in order to project a professional and neat image. This can highlight the red logo of UL and deliver a sharp contrast.


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