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60456 2012-10-30T10:15:55 0 [精品]
设计师: 陈轩明



1. 甲骨文(中国软件系统有限公司新办公大楼位于北京中关村软件园D-R1a地块内,总用地面积约3万平方米,地上3层,地下1层。新办公大楼楼高13,为钢筋混凝土框架结构。而地下为整体,地上分为2个独立办公楼。总建筑面积为2.89万平方米。

2. 此设计功能划分明确。地下一层设汽车库、厨房、健身房及其它辅助用房;首层设有大堂、餐厅、会议室、产品演示及办公;餐厅位于用地北侧,通过玻璃连廊与大堂相连;会议室位于办公楼的南侧和中心庭院一侧,有效的利用周围园林景观及水景,达到借景于中、情景交融的完美境界。地上二、三层主要功能为办公,可容纳1,700员工的办公室。亦充分利用了建筑四周的绿化景观,做到了宁静舒适的自然办公环境。

3. 风格上,整体清新、自然。借鉴欧式古典传统造型的柱廊来体现整个建筑的传统信息,同时通过使用具有现代气息的玻璃幕墙,达到融传统与现代、集古典与高科技于一身的时代特色。

4. 绿化面积较大,树木、植被数量、种类丰富,园林景观设计典雅,布局合理,同办公楼衔接自然。办公楼外墙采用大面积玻璃幕墙,整体通透,由建筑单体自然围合出来的庭院,让员工在建筑内就能享受到轻松、绿色的办公氛围。园林化的园区设计体现了绿色环保的社会责任,也为员工提供了舒适的环境;精致现代化的办公楼不仅展示了企业的实力和文化,也提供了高效的办公环境。


1. 平面设计


2. 建筑


3. 室内


4. 景观



Brief Description:

1. The new office building of Oracle (China) Software Systems Co., Ltd. is located in Beijing Zhongguancun Software Park Lot D-R1 of which the site area is about 30,000 square meters. The new building is 13 meters high with a reinforced concrete frame structure of 3 floors above ground and 1 basement. The total area is 28,900sqm with 2 buildings and a courtyard in between.

2. The internal function is clearly defined in this headquarter office. Basement One houses the kitchen, the gym, the supporting building equipment rooms and 154 parking spaces while above ground spaces from Level 1 to Level 3 house the offices and supporting facilities. Reception, conference room and canteen are at the ground floor. Canteen is located at the north part connected by colonnade while conference rooms are located at the south portion surrounded by courtyard. Overall, the building has an office capacity for 1,700 employees. The building aims to invite the surrounding scenery into the interior spaces.

3. The whole architectural treatment is a hybirdation of classical and modern language. The classical aluminium cladded colonnade echo with the reflective curtain wall. This show a mix of technology and tradition.

4. Greenery covers most of the site area and there is an internal courtyard in between the 2 buildings. With the employment of large quantity of glazing panel. The outdoor scenery is fused slimlessly with the interior area. Every staff can easily enjoy the external view.


1.      Site planning

The R&D centre is splited into 2 buildings sandwiched with a courtyard. The whole outlook will be less massive and give a slimmer and elegant appearance. The 2 buildings are located at the centre of the site surrounded by greenery. Therefore, both buildings are surrounded by garden and allow daylighting diffuse into the interior. DPWT allocates carparking at basement so the ground level has a high density of greenery.

2.      Architecture

The building with its curtain glass treatment aims to take full advantage of the nice views of the natural environment surrounding the site. Perfectly mirrored, the two structures are connected in the middle by an outdoor Corridor Spine and aCourtyardGardenwhich act as the main pedestrian thoroughfare. The overall architectural discourse borrows from classical colonnades which are expressed in contemporary terms. The double-glazed glass curtain wall and the white aluminum-clad exterior reflect the characteristics of Oracle, a high-tech company rich in tradition, yet contemporary and practical in its image.

3.      Interior

The 3 storeys are connected by an airy atrium cladded with aluminium panels. An internal staircase connects each floor which becomes a signify icon in the atrium. The whole atrium delivers a contemporary and chic image with recess lighting and beige color floor tiles.

4.      Landscape

The landscape plan focuses on how to get people together. With all the main circulation spaces aligned towards the courtyard, it encourages a constant dialogue between the two building’s users to   flourish. The glass-flanked corridors along the center serve as pathways while the front plaza, the courtyard, and the outdoor café serve as interesting points to stop and have a conversation in. To cope with the end-user’s requirement, some carparks are provided on ground level which are aesthetically dissolved amongst the woods of the outdoor landscape.

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  • 陈轩明
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