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43919 2012-10-26T15:21:45 0 [精品]
设计师: 陈轩明



1.      创新室位于爱立信酒仙桥办公室4层一角,面积约为35平米,是由原来的一间常规设计的会议室改造而成,旨在为员工打造一处能够静下心来思考,创造灵感的地方。

2.      整个创新室的设计风格为田园风格,表达的是回归自然。场景中的每一个细节,都突出了设计师的别具匠心。入口门上的眼镜形状的玻璃视窗,象征了开阔的视野;从碳色吊顶悬挂下来的灯泡,高低错落有致,仿似散落的灵感等待探索者去搜寻。每个座位都是不规则的形状,软软的,可以将人环抱住,最主要的座位,设置在一条小船上;座椅的后面的通道,布满了树干和绿植。所有的这些元素,组合在一起,构成了一个有别于常规会议室的空间。置身于此,仿似远离了城市的喧嚣,来到了大自然的怀抱中,身心都得到了放松,不断产生新的灵感和手段,提高了工作效率。员工在此,或开小型会议,或独自沉思找寻灵感,……



1.      沟通是现今新办公室最重要的组织方位。虽然个人的工作可以在任何地方执行,但交流信息和知识仍然是解决复杂问题和学习新知识的其中一个必要手段。随着建立需要私人空间的环境,创造积极愉快的气氛,从而促进集体的智能和积极性。

2.      田园风格的设计,易使人沉浸在一种回归自然,放松身心的环境中,有助于灵感的产生。



Brief Description:

1.     This is the Innovation room for Ericsson staff to encourage them to generate innovative area and breakthrough the normal working pattern and idea. The innovation room is located at the 4F of Ericsson GSDC office, it is renovated from a normal meeting room,

2.     The whole design has a thematic concept to guide the people to back to the Nature. From the entrance, the eye shape vision panel at the doors already signify the idea of letting people to open wide the eyes to get some impact to generate different insight. Lighting bulbs hanging from the ceiling to resemble the symbolic meaning of idea sparklering . All sofas are in embracing ameba form so that everyone can have a safe and comfortable environment and the main seat is designed to sit on the main boat. This is a metaphor of we are in the same boat to generate a moral spirit. The whole back circulation space is planted with greenery. One can be away from the hustle city and routine office environment and take a breath in this nature touch area,


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