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45958 2012-10-18T16:30:15 1
设计师: 陈轩明



1.      爱立信北京总部装饰工程是一个改建项目,原总部大厦于2006年投入使用。随着全球电信业的快速发展,爱立信公司作为全球最大的电信企业,特别注重对新产品研制和未来技术的开发。新的工作要求和不断的人员扩大,现有的空间已经不能满足需要,因此DPWT的任务是将现有的办公空间重新设计改造。

2.      爱立信原有的座位为固定式,即每个员工的座位是固定的,每个人一个工位,由于员工数量的迅速增加,假如按此方式一味的增加工作站的摆放,会使整个办公环境拥挤不堪,员工的工作效率会受到影响。DPWT经过考察,发现爱立信部分部门的员工在办公室的时间不固定,因此将部分座位改为Multiflex方式,即按照一定的比率布置工作站,如40个员工,按照1:2的比率,只布置20个工位就可以满足要求,这样可以节约大约1/2的空间,把这些空间改造成Meeting hubBusiness lounge,供员工休息或召开非正式会议。这种处理,增大了服务区的面积,有利于提高整个空间的利用率。

3.      多重的空间结构,开敞式平面布置的办公室和多功能区域,在多种方法和灵活的配置下一起作业,颜色可以加强工作区中的生动氛围,通过充满活力的温暖的色调,如红、橙,黄的彩色窗帘的点缀提高空间的内部质量,创造一个高能量的感觉。同时,整体办公空间是用灰、白等中性色调去平衡这些鲜艳的色彩,使整个空间的色彩搭配协调统一。

4.      新增加的Meeting hub/Business lounge是由沙发、吧台、高桌组成的,原木色吧台,彩色的吧凳、沙发,无论是工作间隙的小憩,还是召开非正式的商务会谈,Meeting hub/Business lounge俨然成为爱立信员工的一处放松的宝地。

5.      爱立信中国学院是为爱立信在中国的员工、客户、供应商和相关团体提供长期的发展与学习机会,为中国的信息产业的发展起到积极的推动作用。学院接待区原有空间设计,灯光昏暗,碳色的地面,加上深色的家具,感觉比较沉闷。DPWT只是更改了家具的颜色搭配,用暖色调来平衡原有的中性色调,如红、黄、桔色的沙发和同色系的纱帘,创造出一个温馨的空间,而黄色的主题墙,增添了空间的活力。

6.      学院原有的教室比较传统,教室的布局为改造后,DPWT将课桌的形状设计成不规则的“8”字形,配合白色和绿色的椅子,使听课和讨论变得容易起来,既可以方便的分组讨论,又可以开放听课,从而促进学员积极性。


1.      沟通是现今新办公室最重要的组织方位。虽然个人的工作可以在任何地方执行,但交流信息和知识仍然是解决复杂问题和学习新知识的其中一个必要手段。随着建立需要私人空间的环境,创造积极愉快的气氛,从而促进集体的智能和积极性。

2.      色彩给予我们的不仅仅停留在视觉层面,而且也深入了精神层面。在一个色彩搭配协调的办公空间,员工的心情和工作效率会得到提高。



Brief Description:

1.     This is a renovation work of Beijing Ericsson Headquarter. Ericsson Headquarter, which was built in 2006, is a 6 storey high building of 60,000 sqm. Upon the rapid expansion of Ericsson business and the new type of working model developed, Ericsson existing office is already cannot cater for the needs of expanded headcounts and the spatial requirement, therefore DPWT is engaged to deliver a new type of new office workplace model and design. The design areas include three office floors and Ericsson Academic Centre.

2.     Each office staff usually has a fixed working station in normal traditional office design. However this kind of workplace model is already cannot meet the rapid Ericsson office expansion, Hence DPWT adopts a multiflex working system in Ericsson office design where there is no fixed working place, all the staff will be in mobile seating. The spatial efficiency under this arrangement can increase up to 200% (that is double the existing office space). Under this design layout, some surplus spaces are dedicated to some public area like meeting hub, business lounge, project room and telephone booths.

3.     Multiplicities of spatial structures include individual, group, and open-scheme office and multi-purpose areas to work together in a variety of methods and in flexible configurations. Colors are employed to project a vivid ambience in the workspace, in which vibrant, warm tone colors such as orange, yellow, and lime to enhance the spatial quality and create a high-energy feel. Other than these bright colors, the overall office is composed of a neutral tone of monochrome (white wall and grey carpet).

4.     Meeting hub and business lounge are the central core area where people can meet, chat and encourage having social integration among the staff. Short, spontaneous meetings among colleagues can be held here, which provides a relaxed and inviting environment. There are sofa, bench, bar table, team tables in meeting hub and business lounge which provide different seating/working environment for various needs, Besides these public areas, DPWT also design some private area like reading room and phone booth for individual working. People can have private tele-meeting in the phone booth and have a more silent working area in reading room where mobile phone conversation is prohibited here.

5.     Ericsson Academy is an institute under Ericsson to provide training to the outside company and Ericsson staff. It is located inside Ericsson headquarter with their own reception. Academy composes of offices, training rooms, classrooms, breakout areas. DPWT redesign the reception by bringing in more design accent in the curtain fabric, sofa upholstery and wall painting to foster a welcoming atmosphere. The warm tone together with the yellow wall give a totally new looks to the reception.

6.     The design of training room inEricssonAcademyis more traditional style with layer of bench and chair just like a classroom. In order to break the boring atmosphere, DPWT redesign all tables into 8 shape which can be separate into 2 circular tables for 4-6 person. The non formality layout together with the green/white chair encourage discussion among the people and create a more relax ambience.



1.      Communication is the most important organized aspect for new offices nowadays. Although individual work can be executed anywhere, the exchange of information and know-how remain an essential means of finding solutions to complicated problems and learning new knowledge. The collective intelligence and enthusiasm can be promoted by establishing an environment to promote the need of private space and creating a positive and pleasant atmosphere.

2.      Color design

The color not just deliver a great visual impact but also have a mental influence to staff. The colorful envinonmental has provide a relax and energetic ambience which can let stimulate the working momentum and thus increase the productivitity.






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  • 陈轩明
  • 北京
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