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Zero Pet Club

20124 2020-02-19T01:29:37 11 [佳作]
设计师: 陈诣杰
Zero Pet Club说明:

Zero Pet Club位于南京市玄武区天山路三十九号,开放而明亮的门头设计犹如无声的邀请,吸引着人们将视线自然而然地延伸至店面内部。乍一眼,会以为这是家书店或者咖啡馆,然而外墙上被设计成猫咪图案的灯牌早已明确宣告了这个空间的真实属性。常规宠物店相比,Zero Pet club其实更像是一个宠物社交生活馆,在这个460平方米的空间里,主要进行一些宠物的行为矫正训练以及经营其他宠物周边产品,比如宠物旅游、保险、写真等。通过对这些服务的贩售,Zero Pet club希望能进一步拉近人和宠物之间的关系与互动。最开始,设计师对这个项目的定位就是“巧而美”:以白色为基调,打破一般宠物店狭小拥挤不易通风的格局,通过极简主义的设计手法,搭配原木、玻璃、钢材、裸管等归本元素,在高楼林立的繁华都市中,打造一个具有复合之美的宠物天地。

Zero Pet Club lies at the 39th Tianshan Road, Xuanwu District of Nanjing, whose gate is open and shining just like a silent invitation so that the attention of visitors are all attracted to its inner space naturally. At a glance, we may recognize it as it is a book store or coffee shop, but the light boards hung on the outside wall were designed to a cat pattern had proclaimed the real feature of this space. Compared with common pet club, actually, Zero Pet Club is more like a pet social life club. In this 460-square meter area, the behavior of pets will be corrected and pet related products will be sold such as pet travel, pet insurance, pet portrait and so on. Through selling these series of services, Zero Pet Club hope this can make human and their pets closer and communication further. From the very beginning, designers attempted to design this project "exquisite and beautiful": white as keynote, breaking form of the common pet shop where inner space is crowd and has bad ventilation, through minimalism design techniques, suiting logs, glasses, rolled steel, and bare pipe such kinds of original elements to build a pet world with compound beautiful in this city that full of tall buildings and towers.

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