“象”是境相,“罔”是虚幻,雅致有序,步移景异,交融相汇,形成对称的光影关系,如诗如画。 "Like" is the environment phase, "labor" is illusory, elegant and orderly, different steps, blend and converge, forming a symmetrical relationship of light and shadow, like a picturesque poem.
一点一画,意态纵横,倾心打造出一个让人沉浸其中的美好“境”。在这个意境中,食客们不仅能够品尝到最正宗的淮扬菜系,还能身临其境地感受源自生活本真的人文关怀。 A little painting, the meaning of the vertical and horizontal, to create a let people immerse in the beautiful "environment". In this artistic conception, diners can not only taste the most authentic Huaiyang cuisine, but also feel the humanistic care from the real life.
若顺着前厅的步伐漫入中厅,那便从层层递进、丝丝入扣的格局中抵达豁然开朗。设计师更将玻璃扶手与钢结构楼梯形成组合构筑在空间之内,巧妙的与空间形成互动关系,美食与情感在这里也交织、延续,现代结构与空间韵章相融合,亦在浑然天成中透露出盈满的创意。 If you follow the pace of the front hall into the hall, it will be from the layers of progressive, seamless pattern arrived suddenly. The designer will also form a combination of glass handrails and steel structure stairs to build in the space, cleverly forming an interactive relationship with the space, food and emotion are intertwined and continued here, modern structure and space rhyme fusion, but also in the natural revealed full of creativity.