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7495 2020-12-18T12:48:41 10
设计机构: 意向东方(北京)设计顾问有限公司

雍雅东方  府第气度



Opulent Oriental Style

The designers try to express traditional Chinese aesthetic ideology of showing obstract idea and best wishes through specific abstract and designs and also apply modern trend to create a unique space both for business and culture. It is more than a feast,. It is a feast of visual experience of elegance both traditional and modern for the guests.

The blue doors the red walls, the pillars and beams , caisson palace lanterns, paintings and horizontal inscribed board, coloured porcelain vases, gold foil screens, furniture of Ming and Qing Dynasty styles all work together to create a space like a elaborate-style painting like a theatrical scene. When the guests linger in the mansion house they will fully experience the splendors of a banquet in the Mansion of a Huizhou merchant and enjoy its oriental elegan

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