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9277 2020-07-09T11:57:50 22
设计机构: 意向东方(北京)设计顾问有限公司




设计说明: 龙茶馆是昆明一家集文化性、知识性、体验性、艺术性为一体的复合型茶空间。坚持创新与传承的设计原则,营造出时尚与传统共与、现代与古典融合的新中式空间,完整传达中国建筑特有的清雅美学理念和现代简约审美观念。 采取中而新,新而中的设计手法,打造古朴、典雅而不失现代设计感的茶文化空间;隔断空间的窗棂门楣以美学中独具特色的圆、方、素色、质感为依托,传神体现清雅美感。设有11个分别以禅道、茶道、香道,插花、书画艺术,养生筵席、红酒、雪茄吧等为主题的包间,并配有艺术展示、小型会议、雅集为一体多功能厅及户外观景空中花园等功能为一体的高品质高、高品味的茶文化空间。采用透、挑、借等建筑设计手法营造了一种满载中式人文底蕴的茶香意趣,东方传统的灵性,跨越时空,交融成一个精致的空间,散发出独特的美感。 主要材料为硅藻泥、老青砖、榆木、灰瓦、地砖。华为不奢、雅而不俗的设计理念,将整个空间定义为古朴典雅、古风茶韵,汲取中国传统元素,以现代的东方艺术为基础,回归传统文化的极致生活方式。通过配饰的运用使所有小空间风格统一、区域有别,达到功能与审美的融合。

Project Name : Long Cha Guan(Dragon Tea House)

Address: Kunming City, Yunnan Province


Description of design: Dragon Tea House is a complex space for tea-drinking and other recreational activities, which combines culture, knowledge, experiences and arts. We stick to the principles of inheritance and creativity to design the house and construct the new Chinese style building ,where modern fashion style blends and harmonizes with classic traditional style .Our design can perfectly and completely communicate the unique aesthetics of Chinese architecture and modern design ,that is, simplicity and elegance. This New-chinese style tea house is modern and simultaneously of primitive simplicity, which has eleven compartments for Zen, Tea-ceremony, Incense ceremony, ikebana ,painting arts , regimen therapy, wine tasting and other themes together with a multipurpose hall for meetings ,literati gathering and art shows. Besides, there is a hanging garden for outdoor landscapes. All in all, we make it into a tea house of high quality and taste. Our design philosophy as being splendid but not luxurious, and delicacy without fastidiousness, we define this tea house space as simplicity and taste, classic customs and tea culture. We adopt and learn from Chinese architecture ,make full use of decoration and ornaments to make all smaller space varied but unified in style, and combine function with aesthetic values.

免责声明:A963设计网作品由网站注册会员发表,本网站对其作品的版权未作证实,对作品的原创性、真实性不作保证,也不承担由此产生的法律责任。未经本网站及作者授权,请勿转载。如对作品版权有疑议,请及时与我们电话联系:0755-83869208 QQ:4000168963
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