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11741 2018-12-27T17:56:50 13
设计师: 李渊

北京理工大学“LOGO” 以大树和白鸽为显形,校徽中心的标志以“培养人才、培育和平”立意,以“树人”表达教育的理念,同时寓意栋梁之材。本方案设计以北京理工“LOGO”衍生出抽象符号,运用到建筑外立面,相同图形抽象变化叠加应用,形成统一简洁抽象树形状,与学校logo 相呼应。



中厅空间 Atrium




展览和展示空间分析Exhibition & display spaces




展览和展示参观流线 Circulation of visiting exhibition & display spaces




The logo of Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) features the pattern of a pigeon standing on the tree, which conveys the Institute’s idea of “Cultivating Talents, Maintaining Peace”. The tree symbolizes young people with a promising feature. The designers applied abstract symbols derived from the logo to the facade design, and combined elements of the same geographic shape with abstract variations, which formed a unified and simple tree-shaped structure on the facade, resonating with the BIT Logo.

The overall architecture is mainly toned in white and gray, which matches the hues of the surroundings within the campus and highlights unique cultural heritage. The facades of the blocks are in unified expression to achieve integral effects.

The facade mainly uses triangular elements, equipped with square windows, some of which are combined with triangular screen-printed glass to create varying light and shadows.

The main building and the training workshop are connected by the corridors in the atrium, which strengthens the integration of theory teaching and practice. The atrium runs through four floors and the layout of each floor is different, thereby enriching the layers of the space and creating fantastic visual effects. Besides, the atrium is enclosed by glass walls, with a skylight. The sunlight enters the atrium and forms a green house. Furthermore, it allows natural ventilation when opening windows, making the building energy-saving. 

Function as a green house, the atrium maintains a comfortable temperature inside the architecture. And the windows introduce fresh air into the space, no need to install air conditioning system.

Display & exhibition spaces are on the second floor of the teaching building, where achievements of the students and the Engineering Training Centre are separately displayed. Besides, through the glass window, practical training workshop on the first floor can be clearly seen, which serves for regular engineering training, advanced manufacturing technology training and facility supporting.

Spaces on the second floor of the practical teaching building are mainly designed for exhibition & display purposes. Visitors can firstly take the observation elevator in the main building to reach the area that displays the Centre’ s achievements, and then pass through the corridors in the atrium to overlook the engineering training Centre and have a view of the workshop on the first floor through the glass window. Moving forward along the corridor that surrounds the atrium, they will come to the east side of the main building where they can enjoy students’ design works. After that, visitors return to the elevator. This is the whole route of visiting exhibition & display spaces.

In summer, the “stack effect” in the atrium reduces the heat and strengthens cross ventilation. Besides, when opening windows, the different indoor and outdoor atmospheric pressure ensures natural ventilation, hence cooling the atrium.

In winter, sunlight directly shines onto the third floor in the atrium, which guarantees abundant daylight and a comfort environment.

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