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16363 2017-08-21T13:13:47 17 [佳作]
设计机构: 意向东方(北京)设计顾问有限公司




设计说明: 大诗人李白曾云:清溪清我心,水色异诸水。借问新安江,见底何如此。 徽州,远眺的山川,缥缈的云,朦胧的雾,隐藏了山黛,淡去了苍劲的松柏;徽州,以厚重的历史底蕴而闻名于世。 徽派建筑是中国古建筑最重要的流派之一,以黛瓦、粉壁、马头墙为表型特征。徽派设计自然古朴,隐僻典雅。与大自然保持和谐,以大自然为依皈。 临江一楼位于安徽省黄山市黎阳水街,是一家综合性餐饮。建筑原是独栋建筑,现由一楼食业集团投资重新改造,是徽派元素与现代设计手法的结合,总体有着朴素的色彩观,体现着天地融合、纯净自然的质朴之美。 以灰和白为基准色调,运用黑、白、灰的色彩层次及浅彩色、无彩色的装饰,主要材质为钢板、肌理漆、老青砖、榆木、灰瓦、地砖。本设计以徽州建筑元素为依托,以“写意徽州”为主题,通过现代设计反映出质朴的古典韵味。利用丰富的徽州文化资源,有意识地对传统元素进行提炼、加工、抽象、变形简化、重新组合,在继承中进行创新变化。 设计师在设计中充分利用了空间复杂多变的特点,将难点转为优势,利用楼梯,天桥将各个空间进行了串联和贯通,采取虚实结合的方式,形成了室外建筑室内化的特色。在室内形成,街、巷、院、坊、楼的不同形态的空间形式,让徽派建筑的意象得到了艺术化的表现; 配饰陈设设计上,汲取黄山自然景观与徽州人文景观的元素,公共区域用、松、山、石、竹、花等自然元素让空间得到了,一步一景,步移景移的效果;内部陈设上,采取了徽州民居文化的元素,用字、画、瓷器、摆设,将徽州砖雕、木雕、石雕进行重新装帧,融入其中,用现代的装饰手法体现传统的文化韵味; 整个空间雅而不奢、简而不陋,整中有别,以现代的设计手法将徽州的古韵与现代的审美做了全新的诠释,表现出了写意徽州意蕴。

Project: Lin Jiang Yi Lou (Riverside Restaurant)

Address: Huangshan City, Anhui Procince

Area: 6,000m2

Description of design: The great poet ,Li Bai , used to highly praise the river in his poem, “the clean brook refreshing, its colour outstanding; How I wonder, why so clear the water”. Huizhou region is well known to this world for its heavy historical background and wonderful view. Mountains and rivers in the distance, clouds and mist covering the mountains and pine trees work together to create a harmonious ,exquisite environment. Besides the natural environment ,what stands out is the Hui-style architecture, which features white wall, black tiles as well as Ma Tau Wall. As one of the most important styles, the Hui-style architecture advocates simplicity and respect human nature. It comes from nature and fits in with the environment harmoniously and elegantly. Lin Jiang Yi Lou (Riverside Yilou Restaurant),which is a complex catering service, is situated in Liyang Water street in Huangshan city, which is famous for its beautiful Hui-style architectural complex as well as the restaurants and bars for local food. Linjiang Yilou was a detached building and is rebuilt by its investor, the Yilou Catering Company. It’ s the combination of both Hui-style elements and modern design. It follows the plain colour view which gives expressions to the harmony of heaven and earth in Chinese culture and the natural beauty of simplicity. Its main colours are grey and white and its decoration and ornaments are mainly black, white ,grey as well as some light colours. Our design is based on the Hui-style architecture elements and the theme of our design is “painting Huizhou Region”, which is aimed to reflect the classic charm of Huizhou region through modern design. To achieve our goal, we make the most of the cultural resources of Huizhou region and consciously, we extract and purify , process and simplify all the important elements .We create and adapt while we inherit.

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