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61227 2017-08-19T08:56:35 23 [精品]
设计师: 王振飞









After the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, the African joint pavilion was left over for 6 years before it was turned into “The Vango Sports Center“ in 2016.  In order to reuse the pavilion and activate the neighborhood, the government together with VANGO SPORTS initiated the project, which took only 7 months from design to completion.

The  "after use" issue is always a big issue for events like World Expo, Olympic Games and etc. Since 2010,many pavilions around have been successfully activated by the government and other parties ,  converted into museums, Gyms, restaurants, and other facilities.

The client VANGO SPORTS asked the architects to design an 35000 square meter indoor sports complex consist of fencing halls, swimming pool, basketball fields, multifunctional competition hall, Gym, restaurants, cafe, shops and etc., For this new building typology in China, the biggest challenge is not just how to fit everything in the pavilion but also remain good connection among them.

The architect creatively brought a key element into the design ---  a 600 meters long sky cycling track, it provides a popular function at the same time offers an exciting connection between all the  main spaces. While cycling, you will have an exciting visual connection from 7 meters high to the fencing halls, swimming pool, basketball fields, leisure area and etc. which gives you an interesting experience for the whole sports complex. The ring space can also  be used as other functions such as roller-skating and etc. An Athletics track was also introduced on the first floor which acts as connecting element as well as circulation space.

Another key issue is the color.  By applying different color on different functions , it gives an clear identity for the unique space.

Architects try to make the building more  sustainable, steel structure was used to add the second floor  and the cycling track, more windows were added on the facade to increase natural ventilation. skylights were kept to get natural light and etc.

An easy changing foil was applied on the facade, the client want to change it maybe once a year to have new appearance and give the city a pleasant surprise.

After completion, the sports center attracts thousands of people in different age, activated the neighborhood,  the indoor sports complex provides facilities helping meet the public’s diversified demands.  It gives a successful example for the after use of the big events facilities such as World Expo.







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  • 王振飞
  • 北京
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