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上海Grand Gourmet 旗舰店

16514 2017-08-19T07:19:50 21 [精品]
设计师: 王振飞
上海Grand Gourmet 旗舰店说明:
几个世纪以来,鹅肝酱被公认为世界三大美食之一。Grand Gourmet制作和销售根据法国传统工艺制成的纯手工鹅肝酱,对食材的严格甄选和对制作工艺的充分了解保证了鹅肝酱纯正的味道。
Grand Gourmet 旗舰店位于上海新天地。作为对公众展示的重要窗口,他的功能不仅是一间店铺,还是艺术馆,交流空间,活动场所,人们在这里品尝和购买鹅肝酱,参观艺术展,参加Grand Gourmet的各类活动,互相交流,体验不同的生活方式。
店铺的设计结合了最前沿的设计和制造手段以及最传统的手工艺, 店铺设计由特殊为其编写的计算机程序生成,六边形分型的几何规则组织了店铺所有功能,同时给了店铺很强的辨识性,最尖端的数字技术被用来制作店铺,如3D打印,激光切割,3D雕刻等等。为了表达对纯手工鹅肝酱的尊重,很多传统手工艺也被应用,比如纯手工镶嵌铜丝水磨石地面,纯手工打磨的铜板,纯手工翻模铸造的展台等等,手工金属与石材的结合赋予店面华贵的气质,给人温暖的感受,同时烘托手工鹅肝酱在食品界的高贵地位。


Through the centuries, goose liver, a famous traditional French delicacy, is recognized by Western gastronomy as the best of the three most refined dainties in the world, the other two of which are truffle and caviar. At Grand Gourmet, they choose the best goose livers, originating from the grey geese of Toulouse, the best geese of French race. Grand Gourmet guarantees a tasteful and refined goose liver, prepared in a traditional fashion and based on authentic recipes inherited from centuries of French know-how.
The Grand Gourmet flagship store is located in Xintiandi, Shanghai.  As a showcase to the public, it works not only as a shop, but also as a gallery, a communication space and event space. People come to taste the products, experience the life style, and communicate with others.
To show respect to these handmade products, the shop design was generated by a custom made computer algorithm, the fractal hexagon pattern gives the shop strong identity and organized all the functions. The making process involved many cutting edge technologies, such as 3D printing, Laser cutting, 3D milling and etc.  as well as many traditional handcrafts such as the hand embedded brass bar in the floor, the hand polished brass panels, the hand casting display tables and etc.
The creative combination of the traditional handcrafts and the modern technology makes the shop unique, just as the goose liver combines the old hand making process with the modern life style.






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