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The Fourth Element

7134 2017-05-16T22:38:27 13 [推荐]
设计师: 卜天静 ( 北京吾觉空间装饰设计有限责任公司 )
The Fourth Element说明:

在巴黎有一句话“一个女人,应该拥有一双好鞋。因为一双好的鞋子,会带你去到想去的地方。”-----一个好的空间,也应把你带到一个更美好的世界。“THE FOURTH ELEMENT是一个利用对称、反射、视错觉、穿插等手法创造的有趣多层次四次元新世界。我希望所有空间体验者进到POP-UP犹如发现新大陆一般惊喜,和也许在另一个时空存在着的更美更有趣的自己。”


由此产生的思考引出了本项目的设计概念,设计师希望通过集装箱的方式,创造一个如POP-UP本身意义“突然弹出” 的未知世界。为了制造多入口的平行空间,设计师抓取三个箱体落到一个横轴上,由此产生多向对称、多入口的虚实空间。三个箱体的错开排列产生的外围空间用于POP-UP公关活动的举办以及品牌形象的展示。POP-UP STORE的外表皮统一采用原色集装箱波纹板,与内部空间形成反差。整个空间利用镜子、幻彩膜、以及完全对称的结构及陈列道具,制造了多角度多层次的“镜面空间”。


There is a saying in Paris "A woman should have a good pair of shoes. Because a good pair of shoes will lead you to a better place." A great designed space also should give people a nice space experience as if they find a better world. THE FOURTH ELEMENT is an exciting space using designed patterns such as symmetry, reflection, optical illusion, Spatial interpolation etc. to create interestingspace perception. “ We hope that people will be surprised when they enter the POP-UP store as a discovery of the new world, and find themselves can be more beautiful and fun as they didn’t expect before."

The so-called "one dimensional" refers to a linear world; "two dimension" is the flat world; "three dimension" is the real world we live in; and the "four dimension" is a world adding with a time line based on the three dimension world; Another explanation is that the two dimensional of two dimensional world is the four dimension space.

The thinking above leads to the design concept of this project, the designer wants to create a  unknown “pop up” world , through the form of containers. In order to create multiple space parallel entrance and virtual space, designers capture three box into one virtual space on the horizontal axis. The three containers are staggered, generated outer spaces for POP-UP PR activities and show brand image. The surface of the pop-up store is built up with original silver container corrugated plate, in contrast with the colorful internal space. Using customized glass with color film, mirror, symmetry design structure and display props, we created interesting space perceptionwhen customers observe from different angles.

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  • 卜天静 (北京吾觉空间装饰设计有限责任公司)
  • 北京
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