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7210 2016-07-16T16:17:31 11
设计师: 伍月







    甲方苏醒Allen Su为著名的中国大陆嘻哈蓝调创作型歌手、中国Top排行榜"年度全能艺人" ,虽初入餐饮,但却有非常独到的见解。









     色彩上: 用自然材质的色彩,选用大红到的熟赭的暖色系之间。





Roof Diner design description


Project address: Beijing, Chaoyang District, Beijing City


Project scale: 280 square meters original structure:


Framework business form: day meals, night bar, and be a venue for fan parties.


Design parameters/needs: must be comfortable, let guests relax and slow down, must allow people to interact with others and at the same time provide for individual needs/wishes, must allow for dining, chatting, parties, other activities, a bar, and an opportunity for fans to meet the owner.


This restoration design is for Allen Su, hip hop and blues singer/songwriter, as well as China’s Top of the list  "actor of the year ", the location provides a very unique view.


He very clearly knows their business direction. He has explained all of his needs and desires, including long term plans. The designer is to complete a comprehensive analysis of the multi-level space. The world heritage site of the terraced fields in Yuanyang inspires the design.


After the initial idea, designer suggests maintaining all structures that are part of the original structure but they will be improved. New design focuses on material, color, light, soft match. As a result of this redefinition of the structural uses, the reporting aspects of the project, for fire-fighting and health-related sectors, such as application time is greatly reduced. As well, by utilizing the original structure it provides considerable cost and timesavings for the owner. Designer modified the original structure and added a middle-tier, and increased the size on most platforms. As such space architecture has been further enriched. The various areas and the best view of the show and the interactive effects are created through the use of natural and contrasting materials which produces separated functional areas: dining zone, party zone, music zone, private chat areas, performance areas, wait-and-see area, VIP area, wine tasting area, exhibition area, game area.


The kitchen area is only a small part of the 280 square metres of space. However, it is functional, and both independent but at the same time interactive with all areas.


For commercial spaces, interior spaces are a priority. At the same time the design will also focus on the exterior windows. Through using the effect of functional partitions, the most popular dining areas will be in the display windows. This will increase the “show “ aspect and will also, improve the comfort and atmosphere of the dining area at the same time.


The performance area: will have the 3D effect of murals, showing a depth of natural spaces. In the front row are sofa areas, which borrow stage area during the day, will transition into another wide dining area. VIP seating is closest to enjoy performances in the evening.

Design is for the original texture of watercolor landscapes; rain, which instantly creates the mood, and the desire to join into nature. The air will be humidified to add to people’s comfort.

     Materials: wood, brick, stone, hemp rope, vines, bark, silk, flax, plaster and natural elements, lighting: spotlights, floodlights, HID lamps, wall lamps, projection lamps, candles, decorating point light, color temperature control at around 6000, multi-level lighting controls, to create a different atmosphere.


Color: color of the natural materials; choose between familiar warm ochre and red.


Atmosphere enhanced by: furniture, lighting, green plants, soft music, blurred light lit, Ethereal aroma of burning ... ...    


Chef instructions: Use of color, aroma and taste of fine food.


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