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高口碑之作 | 引擎联合设计 x 融创 : 成都融创青城溪村售楼处

11015 2021-12-01T21:00:08 33 [精品]
设计机构: 北京引擎联合室内设计有限公司
高口碑之作 | 引擎联合设计 x 融创 : 成都融创青城溪村售楼处说明:

Approach the front hall, feel the tranquil atmosphere, and look for the sound of water droplets to reach the focal point.

接近前厅,感受宁静的氛围,寻着水滴声,直达焦点。 Approach the front hall, feel the tranquil atmosphere, and look for the sound of water droplets to reach the focal point.

The stones are very special. They are like human beings,with souls,have their own thoughts, language, and memory. They look at the world quietly, and there are actually stories that happen on the way people walk, and these stories are all in their hearts.stunning beauty.

石是有灵性的,它沉默无语,静若微澜,人的踪迹,曾经的故事,甚至连那些零落在风中的只言片语,都被它们坚实地镌刻在心底。通过灯光的照射,透出华美梦幻的光泽,大尺度半透明羽毛装置造型,带来强烈的视觉冲击,弥散通透又不乏灵动的美。 The stones are very special. They are like human beings,with souls,have their own thoughts, language, and memory. They look at the world quietly, and there are actually stories that happen on the way people walk, and these stories are all in their hearts.stunning beauty.

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