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8257 2021-02-08T21:34:12 13
设计师: 张宇驰

欢迎来到楚门的世界—— 与电影《The TRUEMAN show》一样,这是一个真实的秀场,玩家在这里将扮演不同的角色,去表演、去体会、去破解、去探索。 Like the movie "The Trueman Show", this is a real show, where players will play different roles to perform, experience, crack and explore. 作为解谜为主的娱乐场馆,设计也在竭力表达一种推理性、解谜感。从门头开始,简单的方形元素拼贴构成了一环扣一环的层叠之感,象征着一个套一个待人去破解的谜题,搭配糙砺的墙面,整体感觉既现代又硬派,十分贴近游戏馆烧脑推理的氛围。醒目的店名楚门二字因为一个逃跑小人的元素显得动感十足,搭配朗朗上口的slogan“现场,绝非偶然”,吸引着顾客前往,一探究竟。大块玻璃窗映照出的内部空间丰富了立面视觉,同时也打破了内与外的界限,勾起人们无限的好奇与想象。 As an entertainment venue mainly for uncovering the riddles, the design is also trying to express a sense of reasoning and solving riddles. From the beginning of the door, the simple square element collage constitutes a sense of layering, which is a set of puzzles to be solved by others, and with rough walls, the overall feeling is both modern and hard-nosed, very close to the atmosphere of brain burning reasoning in the game hall. The striking shop name "Trumen" is full of movement because of the element of a runaway villain. With the catchy slogan "the scene of the case is no accident", it attracts customers to move on and explore the truth. The interior space reflected by the large glass windows enriches the facade vision, at the same time breaks the boundary between inside and outside, and arouses people's infinite curiosity and imagination. 游戏馆共分三层,1、3层是游戏室,二层正对街面。走进大门,就看到了游戏馆的吧台,接待、换装、挑选剧本均在此进行。整个二层空间的布置充满想象力,简约却又不简单。地面采用灰色水磨石铺就,墙体采用水泥装饰板,顶棚仅是简单的乳胶漆粉刷,节约成本的同时营造出了哑光面与高光面的对比。这样的布局在高度统一的灰色调上极力强调出了明度的变化,使得垂直方向上的视觉效果层层递进,符合推理游戏抽丝剥茧的氛围。值得强调的是,所有的交界处均作了工艺缝处理,没有进行打胶或补缝,尽力地让材质体现出一种原始感,以象征纯粹而原始的烧脑乐趣。 The game hall is divided into three floors, the first and third floors are game rooms, and the second floor is directly across the street. Entering the gate, people can see the bar of the game hall, where they can receive, change clothes and choose scripts. The layout of the whole second floor space is imaginative, concise but not simple. The ground is paved with gray terrazzo, the wall is decorated with cement, and the ceiling is simply painted with emulsion paint, which saves cost and creates a contrast between matte and high gloss surfaces. This layout strongly emphasizes the change of lightness on the highly unified gray tone, which makes the visual effect in the vertical direction progressive layer by layer, in line with the atmosphere of reasoning game. It is worth emphasizing that all the junctions have been sewn without glue or mending. The designer try his best to make the material reflect a kind of primitive feeling, which symbolize the pure and primitive fun of burning brain. 二层公共空间中最吸引人的还属环绕整个空间的橙色艺术装置。艺术装置的灵感来源于莫比乌斯环。通过巧妙地扭曲弥除了二维和三维界限的莫比乌斯环类比戏内戏外,而剧本杀就是这样一个抹平戏内外界限的桥梁。为了与背景尽可能凸显反差,设计师选用了十分惹眼的橙色,橙色装置也最终在灰色空间中呈现了优良的空间张力。橙色艺术装置环绕二层一周,从入口左边为起点,因势延伸至吧台,一路绕墙延伸至顶棚,顺顶棚环绕一周划分出了整个吧台的空间区域,而地面部分则巧妙地化身成为吧台前的卡座,之后再依走廊轮廓上升,伸展拓宽绕屋一周,尾端则成了门口橱窗中的展示台,终点则成为了门头的一部分。整个空间与该装置浑然一体,不分彼此,橙色装置不仅平衡了空间内的冷暖用色,丰富了空间色彩平衡,也将二层空间划分为了数个功能区域,区域间分界明显,却又因为橙色装置的一体性而自然通畅。空间与想象的疆界通过这样一个巧妙的构思有了明显的流动性。 The most attractive public space on the second floor is the orange art installation around the whole space. The inspiration of art installation comes from Mobius Band. Through the Mobius Band, which is cleverly twisted to eliminate the two-dimensional and three-dimensional boundaries, to simulate the inside and outside of the play, the script kill is such a bridge to smooth the play inside and outside boundaries. In order to highlight the contrast with the background as much as possible, the designer chose a very eye-catching orange, and the orange device finally presented a good spatial tension in the gray space. The orange art device surrounds the second floor for a week, starting from the left side of the entrance, extending to the bar counter according to the situation, extending all the way around the wall to the ceiling, dividing the space area of the whole bar counter along the ceiling for a week, while the ground part is cleverly incarnated as the card seat in front of the bar, then rises according to the corridor outline, extends and widens around the house for a week, and the back ends becomes the display desk in the window at the door, the terminal point is part of the door. The whole space is integrated with the device. Orange device not only balances the cool and warm colors in the space, but also enriches the color balance of the space. It also divides the second floor space into several functional areas. The boundaries between the areas are obvious and naturally smooth because of the orange device' integration. The boundary between space and imagination has obvious fluidity through such a clever conception. 装置的截面由三个长方体构成,顺势延伸时有时用侧面、有时用正面、有时用反面,借此类比莫比乌斯环在空间中的扭曲感,细细品味,橙色装置在三维空间中仿佛不停在变换、旋转,隐喻谜题的复杂、不定和无常。整体空间再搭配以透明桌椅,更增添了一种奇妙氛围。 The cross-section of the device is composed of three cuboids, when extending along the trend, it uses sometimes side, sometimes front and sometimes reverse side, so as to analogy the sense of twist of Mobius Band in the space. The orange device seems to be constantly changing and rotating in the three-dimensional space, metaphoring the complexity, uncertainty and impermanence of puzzles. The whole space is matched with transparent tables and chairs, adding a wonderful atmosphere. 联通3层楼的楼梯走道也特意营造了一种悬疑氛围。墙面均用不锈钢条交错出棱角,灯光漫射其上,会散射出锯齿状的反光,点点若星,变换不定。为了进一步丰富光线变化,楼梯踏步采用了玻璃踏步,中间夹层配备灯带的橙色胶片。此外整个楼梯间没有直接照明。踏步上的光源反射到墙面的不锈钢板上,不仅亮度充足,镜面不锈钢、玻璃楼梯扶手、玻璃踏步等数个反射面带来了千万种光线折射路径,使得现场光线效果充满了惊喜与意外。 The stairway connecting the three floors also creates a kind of suspenseful atmosphere. The walls are all crisscross with stainless steel strips, and the light diffuses on them, which scatter jagged reflections, they are like stars and change indefinitely. In order to further enrich the light change, the stair step adopts glass step, and the middle interlayer is equipped with orange film of light belt. In addition, there is no direct lighting for the whole stairwell. The light source on the step is reflected on the stainless steel plate on the wall, which is not only of sufficient brightness, but also brings tens of millions of light refraction paths to several reflective surfaces, such as mirror stainless steel, glass stair handrail, glass step, etc., which makes the field light effect full of accidental surprise. 场馆中有八个主题房间,其中,一个镜面空间显得格外与众不同。屋内地面使用了纯黑色、高亮度的地砖,墙面则使用了黑镜,因此,整个空间内,光线的路径变化多端,摇曳多彩。室内同样采用了透明桌椅,仅以天花上不多的点光源照明。每个人座位下会有一束光照亮,其余的地方都若隐若现隐身于黑暗中,悬疑紧张的气氛就此烘托出来,而墙面和地面复杂多变的光线反射则为整个房间衍生出十足的梦幻感。 There are eight theme rooms in the venue, among which one mirror space is specially different. The floor in the house is made of pure black and high brightness floor tiles, while the wall is made of black mirrors. Therefore, the path of light in the whole space is changeable and colorful. Transparent tables and chairs are also used in the room, only illuminated by a few point light sources on the ceiling. There is a beam of light under everyone's seat, and the rest of the place will be invisible in the dark, so the suspense and tension atmosphere will be set off. The complex and changeable light reflection of the wall and the ground will give the whole room a full dreamlike feeling. 整个楚门剧场,设计师通过对其空间用途的独到理解,以精准的设计语汇、精彩的艺术构思、精湛的美学功底,化作了创意和制作上简约而不简单的精致细节。 Through the unique understanding of its space use, the designers of the whole Truman theater, with the precise design vocabulary, wonderful artistic conception and exquisite aesthetic skills, have transformed into brief but not simple exquisite details in creativity and production.

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  • 张宇驰
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