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HAYDN Studio

23644 2020-07-13T12:08:25 22 [佳作]
设计机构: 北京谜舍设计工作室
HAYDN Studio说明:

谜舍着力于呈现出灵活的空间形态以应对不同的使用场景,使人在空间中的行为模式具有多种可能性。一层多为沟通交流的功能属性,使用了大面积暖白色及水泥涂料,具有颗粒感的肌理表面营造出粗粝却有温暖感的空间氛围。一二层的连接部分插入一个近 6 米高的黑色楼梯盒子,并刻意露出了盒子底部由楼梯踏步形成的锯齿图形,与混凝土吧台及台阶形成很好的视觉呼应。空间的混凝土地台、木质地台、玻璃楼板、混凝土长椅、黑盒子顶面这几个不同标高的构件极大程度的丰富了二层空间在垂直维度上的体验,也将整体的空间状态由黑盒子造成的垂直感转换为水平感。空间的工业建筑痕迹被妥善保留并做清洁处理,搭配白色和水泥色作为空间主色。谜舍使用了平面构成的方式将空间每个立面的颜色、肌理、比例进行整理研究,希望打造出具有几何秩序感的多表情空间形态。

Nazodesign focuses on presenting flexible spatial forms to cope with different scenarios, and makes people has many possibilities for behavior patterns in this space.The first floor is mostly the functional attribute of communication. Nazodesign uses a large area of warm white cement paint to spray walls, floors and ceilings. The surface with granular sensation creates a rough but warm space atmosphere.Nazodesign connects the first and second floor with a huge black staircase box nearly 6 meters high, and deliberately reveals the zigzag figure at the bottom of the box due to staircase steps, which forms a good visual echo with the concrete bar and staircase below.The concrete platform, wooden platform, glass floor, concrete bench and black box have greatly enriched people's experience in the vertical dimension of the second floor, and also transform the overall spatial state from the vertical sensation caused by the black box to the horizontal sensation.The Industrial traces  are properly preserved .White and the color of cement are the main colors of the space.Nazodesign organizes and studies the color, texture and proportion of each facade of space by  the way of plane formation, hoping to create a multi-expression spatial form with a sense of order just like geometric figures.

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