项目名称:以客精品酒店 项目面积:18000㎡ 设计风格:中式新古典 以客精品酒店总面积为18000㎡。设计师运用中式经典元素,精心勾画出一个淳朴、清雅的空间。整体以淡雅的色调、简洁的线条,融合了大量的现代审美元素和艺术风格,使其显得时尚、现代、大气,充分体现了“得其古意取其精髓”的内涵,展现其不动声色的美。 The total area of 18000 ㎡ in the boutique hotel. Stylist USES Chinese classic element, carefully delineate a simple, elegant space. Overall with quietly elegant is tonal, concise line, combined with a large number of modern aesthetic elements and artistic style, make its appear fashion, modern, atmospheric, fully embodies the connotation of "the ancient meaning take its essence", show the beauty of the eyelid.