项目名称:对外交流酒店 项目面积:23000㎡ 设计风格:中西结合 中国职工对外交流中心对外交流酒店整体设计采用了中西结合式设计风格,设计师把现代简约风、简欧和新中式很好的进行了平衡和统一。酒店空间上主要分为大堂、酒廊、西餐厅、贵宾厅、宴会厅、中餐厅和桌球室等,设计风格既有中式文化底蕴,又有欧式风情之时尚感。内外兼修,线条简单流畅,大量石材的运用,这样的设计,既领略了中式风格的风采,又感受到现代欧式风格的时尚之美!西餐厅和贵宾厅的设计采用的是简欧风格,高雅的古典美,更加适合用来招待贵宾。中餐厅则采用了新中式风格,精致又典雅。 Chinese staff of foreign exchange center of foreign exchange hotel overall design used the combination of Chinese and western design style, stylist contemporary and contracted style, Jane Europe and new Chinese style is very good for the balance and unity. The hotel space is mainly divided into hall, wine corridor, western restaurant, VIP hall, banquet hall, Chinese restaurant and billiard room, etc. The design style has both Chinese culture and European style. Inside and outside and repair, the line is simple and smooth, the use of a lot of stone material, such design, both experienced the elegant style of Chinese style, the vogue that feels contemporary European Europe style is beautiful! The western restaurant and VIP lounge are designed with a simple European style, elegant classic beauty and more suitable for serving guests. Chinese restaurant adopts new Chinese style, delicate and elegant.