项目名称:中投生态度假酒店 项目面积:33000㎡ 设计风格:新中式 北京中投生态度假酒店总面积33000㎡,设计师采用新中式的设计手法,打造了一个有禅意境的精品酒店。古铜色的空间给人以静谧清幽之感,优雅而恬静,简约淳朴的设计风格展现出平淡、含蓄、单纯和空灵之美,巧妙的诠释了中国“禅”文化的意境,为繁忙的现代都市人打造出一片灵魂的放松之地。 Beijing cic ecological resort hotel has a total area of 33000 ㎡, stylist USES the new Chinese style design technique, built a zen artistic conception of the boutique hotel. Tan space gives a person the sense with quiet quiet, elegant and tranquil, contracted and simple design style show flat, implicative, pure and ethereal beauty, ingenious interpretation of the artistic conception of Chinese zen culture, create a soul for busy modern urbanite place to relax.