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“The MaoHaus“

39450 2017-09-26T18:37:56 24
设计机构: 北京非静止建筑设计有限公司
“The MaoHaus“说明:

“The MaoHaus”文化项目位于北京板桥南巷,人美印刷社正对面。建筑处在北京老胡同钉子路口的中央。在建筑的立面设计上,我们试图延续胡同里的四合院门头的尺寸,并在造型上模拟一种风动的效果。立面的材料和建造上,采用一种新型的高强纤维混凝土(UHPC),从而让沉重的混个凝土材质在风动的造型中变得很轻盈。


Drawing upon local and historical context, “MaoHaus” references the adjacent print shop across the hutong alley as a primary conceptual driver. Using the block print grid as a basic guide the work subtly hides six faces of Chairman Mao. This is not without deep intent as the nearby print shop was one of the locations to produce many of the famous Mao portraits during the 70s in China. The undulating surface is meant to both hide the face, revealing itself only from certain angles and more strongly at night, but also to suggest that the communist party of China is becoming a more adaptable and fluid entity permitting flexing to a modern and global society while still maintaining some of Mao‘s original principles.

The piece is 12m wide and 7 m tall, composed of only six individual 6cm thick sheets. Ultra-high performance concrete was used for this project creating a strange thinness and fluidity to a material none for cold hardness. Advanced fabrication technique are further utilized to create the very large and thin sheets. In a way, the material and technical adaptation can be seen as yet another metaphor for China's strong drive into the future as a player on the global field.

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