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Tangram 唐图

33195 2017-09-26T18:24:11 21 [佳作]
设计机构: ISENSE DESIGN 吾觉空间设计
Tangram 唐图说明:

“七巧板”从宋朝的 “燕几图”历经多代演化至今,别名为“唐图” 。传说它曾是东南沿海岸的水上居民供应给在运轮商家的娱乐招待 - 由七个薄片组成的中国谜题 - Game of the Tanka ,由此得来英文名称 “Tangram” 。


而本案甲方PLAY LOUNGE 是国内少有的以孵化中国本土的新锐设计师,“由内而外”走向国际的连锁设计师集合品牌。


唐图-TANGRAM有趣的身世与“PLAY ”的玩味,无穷的组合可能性与“集合店”多变的新业态属性,甚至同样出世与中国流传向世界的“同根性”不谋而合。


设计师利用“唐图”的分割将空间扭转,切分出不同高度的“内建筑”聚落,拉长购物动线,营造有趣的空间链接。 “炫彩”钢化玻璃结合灯光与镜面产生有趣的漫反射,艺术树脂以大色块的形式在空间中有序的跳跃,使人有一种置身玩具世界的错觉。设计师希望创造一个无年龄界限的美好空间,让每一个体验者,都能在第一时间勾起心中那个单纯快乐的自己。


Project Name: TANGRAM


Design Description:


"Tang picture" is another name for a “Seven-piece”. Its origins date back to the “Yanji picture” from the Song Dynasty, and it has arrived at its current incarnation through a centuries-long process of evolution. It is said that the seven-piece was a form of entertainment offered by boat dwellers along the southeastern coast to steamship merchants. The seven thin pieces constitute a Chinese puzzle known as the Game of the Tanka, and hence its English name “Tangram”.


PLAY LOUNGE, Party A of this project, is a cutting-edge design team of a type rarely seen in China. Their aim is to incubate new talent from mainland China, thus creating a new international brand and helping Chinese designers go global from the inside out.


The inspiration drawn from TANGRAM, and the fun derived from “PLAY”, both represent a similar idea: the possibility of endless combinations and varied new formats to create a sort of “collection store”. Furthermore, both concepts have entered the world from the same Chinese roots.


By making use of the “Tangram” principle, the designer has reversed the space and cut out some “inner building” features of different heights. Then, he has elongated the shopping routes and created an interesting, interlinking space. The combination of “colorful” tempered glass, lighting and mirrored surfaces produces a fascinating diffuse reflection. The artistic essence does away with spatial order in the form of a big colored block, creating an illusion of entering a magic world as if it's made of toys. The designer hopes to create an enticing space without age limits,  and to ensure that each visitor fondly recalls the time spent there.

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