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6148 2014-12-01T14:36:04 14
设计师: 朱奕

项目面积: 360平米
参与设计:江川 蒯艾华
——朱奕 二十一世纪的地球,越来越多的能源消耗,洪水,干旱,地球变暖,等种种灾难及现象,越来越使得人们对环境的保护,低炭生活的渴望,作为一名室内设计师更有义务和责任去呼吁每一位业主在装修及设计时,把低碳环保理念贯彻始终。此空间是一套320平米的双拼别墅,与业主沟通时.结合此案本身的结构气质和当下国际流行趋式,定位现代为主东方神韵为点缀设计风格,本案没有把传统意义上的东方元素进行堆砌而是把东方元素提炼到一种神似的意境,以此改变国际国内人们对东方韵味的传统理解。以及木材的减免也为低碳环保减轻压力。主要材料选择天然石材海洗哑光处理,实木复合地板免柒处理,钢板,玻璃,马赛克等。业主三口之家,喜欢清静休闲,整个空间色调定位黑白灰为主,彩色点缀为辅的基调,使色彩的泛滥得到控制,从而营造轻松,安逸,舒适的意境氛围。入户设计灰色通长石台把柜体和换鞋区联系一体让入户狭小空间不琐碎,更有空间的气势感,地面没有用大量的地砖拼接而是定尺石材整块拼贴,和整体环境溶为一体,门本身很窄,创作油画,用中式水墨手法画于门上使门不和空间气氛脱节。客厅需收纳空间,为使整个空间不零乱,定制柜体,门也彩用东方韵味水墨画作沙发背景,既可装饰又隐藏收纳空间。餐厅想营照烛光晚餐的氛围,定做树影推拉门,蜡烛灯,定尺六等分斜拼木板使整个空间灵动不死板,书房高而窄为使空间有亲切感采用局部盒子的方式和书柜拉近距离。主卧彩用三种尺寸混拼地面和床头软包互应,有东方韵味马头灯点缀,刺绣花鸟,麻质窗帘,共同烘托卧室安静且生机盎然气氛。主卫彩用东方标志黑白彩,黑色定尺等分石材海洗哑光处理,牡丹拼彩马赛克,洁白的水盆,使整个空间典雅高贵。 The muse Nowadays, as energy shortages, natural disasters, air pollution, global warming and other environmental problems become increasingly severe, environmental issues cause widespread concerns among people, therefore, “low-carbon life becomes living idea of urbanites, gradually. Being an interior Designer, has responsibility and obligation to call on proprietor to take environment protection into consideration when decoration. The sample is a set of 320 square meters of Larry villas, after communication with owner ,we ultimately position its design style as modern manner with oriental charm embellished, which combines its construction features and current international trends. This case didn’t simply leverage oriental elements like other traditional treatment, but rather integrated oriental elements into overall design, so that change common understanding of oriental charm. Meanwhile, minimizing the use of wood is in line with requirements for low-carbon life. Adopted natural stone with sea washing matte treatment, and wood composite floor with free paint as main upholstery material, supplemented by steel, glass, mosaics and other materials. Owner is a family of three, who prefer quiet and relaxed lifestyle, so dominant hue of entire space is settled as black-gray , assisted by multicolor. Built up relaxed, easeful and comfortable atmosphere via controlling usage of color. Taking long gray socle as entrance design, which combined cabinet and shoes area , so that make entrance space not trivial but completed feeling. Haven’t used lots of floor tiles, but decorated with a single block of stone , which integrated with entire environment. Designer adopted China ink painting above the door due to narrow door, so that door fit atmosphere. To meet requirement for Living room storage space and not messy, accustomed cabinet ,using the same ink oriental painting on its door, which can not only play decorative role but also hidden storage space. In order to build romantic mood of candlelight dinner in dining room, made shadow sliding doors, candle lights, and cut length six equal portions inclined to flight wood, finally make it fresh and exclusive. Given pattern of study room is high and narrow, we used the way of part box to shorten distance between bookcase, so that made whole space gracious. Blending in 3 dimensions of main bedroom floor, coordinated with soft bagged of bed, furthermore, there are oriental charm horse head lamp, embroidered flowers, linen curtains interspersed, which set off warm and quiet tone of bedroom. Owner’s wash room leveraged oriental symbol that black , white and colored as tinge black sea washed stone cut to length equal portions matte processing, Peony fight colored mosaic, white basin, all that make whole space in elegant and noble mood.

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