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14644 2012-10-25T10:04:25 4 [推荐]
设计师: 潘飞







Design Description

This is the product exhibition of photo electricity corporate, which
mainly introduces science popularization of LED optical source and exhibits
related products of LED optical source.

The project is located in an obsolete working building. At the very
beginning, we thought that, as the core of the building, “light” should be not
only “visited”, but also “touched”. As time goes and space changes, design for
each place should go beyond its limited “meaning”. The old mode of space
planning has no vitality for the current world. During the-facing-future era,
we are constructing a new dialogue system of space.

The dimension of the original working building is 18M18M12M, a cubic box. Within this building, a
new construction is built with dimension of18M4M12M. which makes the original space half
with all possibilities between each other, binary relation is introduced into
the new construction as well, and such spatial dialogue exits in each layer of
space. In the initial stage of design, there is no pre-established aim for the
two spaces. Instead, we were searching for natural combination under vague

The relationship between the new construction and the old building
is vague. Meanwhile, a huge dialogue “window” is made between the old and the
new. It resembles an aircraft sailing in interplanetary space, with various
possibilities to explore in the unknown space. On the wall opposite to the
window of the new construction, is a big screen, into which various information
concerning light exhibition is projected, together with
the light exhibition in dark space, an amazing space is created for visitors.

All the control equipments in the construction are intelligent
wirelessly controlled. An intelligent wireless control system is developed.
Thus, with IPAD controlling platform, intelligent wireless control is adopted
for all the light devices, equipments for information demonstration, mechanical
drive devices and audiovisual system. In the era of construction facing the
future, the brand-new use-pattern and solution lie in not only the construction
itself, but also the new spatial system of construction.



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